PayHOA Registration

The South Gate Community Association uses PayHOA management software to better serve our residents. The goal of this new system is to streamline communications, reduce administrative costs, and provide simple, online payment options for memberships. Please register using the form below or contact our office during business hours.


Q: Why should I sign up?

A: The PayHOA system will give you the added convenience of being able to make membership payments online via electronic check or credit card. Our goal is to keep all correspondence related to a property owner in one place within PayHOA, easily accessible by you and the HOA office.

Q: Do I have to add my email address to PayHOA?

A: We highly encourage you to sign up with your email address, as this will help us improve our ability to communicate with you on an ongoing basis.

Q: If I sign up for PayHOA, will I still get paper statements mailed to me for my annual dues?

A: Yes, we will still mail out paper statements for annual dues.

Q: Can I register if I am not a property owner?

A: Absolutely! Anyone living in South Gate can register.